Hot Tips for Growing Sizzling Peppers in Texas

Hot Tips for Growing Sizzling Peppers in Texas

Ready to spice up your garden and enjoy a harvest of vibrant, flavorful peppers? Growing peppers in Texas is a rewarding adventure, thanks to the state's ideal climate and extended growing season. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, these essential tips will guide you in cultivating healthy, productive pepper plants. Dive in and discover how to make the most of your Texas garden, yielding delicious peppers for months to come!


Bell Peppers

Choosing the Right Pepper Varieties

Texas' warm climate is ideal for a wide variety of peppers. Here are some popular choices:

  • Bell Peppers (Keystone Resistant Giant) : These sweet, large peppers come in various colors, including green, red, yellow, and orange.
  • Jalapeños (California Wonder): Known for their moderate heat and versatility, jalapeños are perfect for adding a kick to dishes.
  • Habaneros: For those who love extreme heat, habaneros are an excellent choice.
  • Anaheim Peppers: These mild peppers are great for roasting and adding to a variety of dishes.
  • Serrano (Hidalgo Serrano): Smaller bush but heavy yields, great for adding kick to salsa!

Preparing Your Garden

  1. Soil Preparation:

    • Peppers thrive in well-draining, loamy soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.
    • Enrich the soil with organic matter such as compost or aged manure to improve fertility and drainage, according to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
  2. Location:

    • Choose a sunny spot in your garden. Peppers need at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.
    • Ensure the location is sheltered from strong winds which can damage the plants.

Planting Peppers

  1. Starting Seeds Indoors:

    • Start pepper seeds indoors 8-10 weeks before the last expected frost date.
    • If you want to plant early in February, you should start your seeds in December!
    • Use seed-starting trays or small pots filled with a sterile seed-starting mix.
    • Here is a guide for starting peppers indoors.
  2. Transplanting:

    • Once the seedlings have at least two sets of true leaves and all danger of frost has passed, they can be transplanted outdoors.
    • Harden off the seedlings by gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions over a week.
    • Here is a list of all planting dates for (North) Texas.
    • Pepper Seedlings
  3. Planting:

    • Space pepper plants 18-24 inches apart in rows that are 24-36 inches apart.
    • Plant them slightly deeper than they were in the pots to encourage strong root development.
    • Add one (1) Tablespoon of Bone Meal & Epsom salt to the planting hole to give your plants a head start!

Care and Maintenance

  1. Watering:

    • Peppers need consistent moisture, especially during fruiting. Water deeply but infrequently, ensuring the soil remains moist but not waterlogged.
    • Mulch around the plants to retain soil moisture and reduce weed growth.
  2. Fertilizing:

    • Use a balanced fertilizer (10-10-10) or one high in phosphorus to promote fruiting.
    • Apply fertilizer at planting time and again when the plants start to flower.
    • This will ensure the plant can support a large fruit set!
  3. Pruning:

    • Overall pruning will help your plant establish itself better for the hot summer and is done in 2 stages.
    • Early Pruning: When the plants are about 12 inches tall, pinch off the growing tips to encourage bushier growth. This helps in developing a sturdy plant structure. You can also remove the first few flowers so the plant has more time to establish a healthier root ball!
    • Mid-Season Pruning: Remove any suckers (small shoots that develop between the main stem and branches) and lower leaves to improve air circulation and light penetration.
    • Selective Pruning: Regularly prune any yellowing or diseased leaves to maintain plant health. Removing some of the early flowers can also direct the plant's energy toward stronger fruit production later.
      Trellised Pepper Plants
  4. Increasing Yields:

    • Companion Planting: Planting basil, marigolds, or onions near peppers can help deter pests and improve growth.
    • Staking and Supporting: Use stakes or cages to support pepper plants, preventing them from falling over and ensuring better exposure to sunlight.
    • Consistent Harvesting: Regularly pick mature peppers to encourage the plants to produce more fruit.
    • Foliar Feeding: Applying a foliar spray of diluted fish emulsion or seaweed extract can provide essential nutrients directly to the leaves, boosting overall plant health and yield.
    • There is a really good guide on increasing yields at Pepper Joe
  5. Pest and Disease Management:

    • Keep an eye out for common pests such as aphids, spider mites, and pepper weevils. Use insecticidal soap or neem oil to control infestations.
    • Practice crop rotation and proper spacing to prevent diseases like bacterial spot and pepper mosaic virus.

Understanding Pepper Color Changes and Cracking

Red Jalapenos
  1. Color Changes:

    • Peppers start green and change color as they mature, turning red, yellow, orange, or purple depending on the variety.
    • The color change is a sign of ripening and often coincides with a sweeter flavor (in sweet peppers) or increased heat (in hot peppers).
    • Ensure peppers have adequate time on the plant to develop their full color and flavor.
  2. Cracking (Corking):

    • Cracking, or "corking," occurs when rapid growth is followed by environmental stress, such as high temperatures or inconsistent watering.
    • To minimize cracking:
      • Maintain consistent soil moisture by watering deeply and mulching.
      • Avoid sudden changes in watering frequency.
      • Provide shade during the hottest part of the day if temperatures soar above 90°F.
    • While cracked peppers are still edible, they may have a shorter shelf life and should be consumed or processed soon after harvesting.

Harvesting Peppers

  1. Timing:

    • Peppers can be harvested when they reach the desired size and color. For example, green bell peppers can be picked while still green or left to ripen to red.
    • Regular harvesting encourages the plants to produce more fruit, sometimes this means harvesting smaller peppers more frequently!
  2. Method:

    • Use a sharp knife or scissors to cut the peppers from the plant, leaving a small part of the stem attached.

Final Tips

  • Heat and Humidity: Texas summers can be hot and humid. Provide some shade during the hottest part of the day if necessary, and ensure good air circulation to prevent fungal diseases.
  • Companion Planting: Consider planting peppers with companions like basil, tomatoes, or onions, which can help deter pests and improve growth.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious peppers right from your garden. Happy gardening!

Assorted Peppers


Growing peppers in Texas is a delightful endeavor that yields flavorful rewards. With the right variety selection, proper planting techniques, and diligent care, your pepper plants will thrive and produce an abundance of delicious peppers. Embrace the Texas sunshine and start your pepper-growing journey today!

 For more expert tips on gardening in Texas, check out our guide on growing tomatoes in your garden!

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Additional Resources:

  1. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension - Easy Gardening: Peppers
  2. Utah State University - How to Grow Peppers in Your Garden
  3. Pepper Geek - How to Increase Pepper Plant Yield
  4. The Old Farmer's Almanac - How to Grow Bell Peppers
  5. Reddit: How to Grow Peppers in Zone 8a